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Five Great Tips On How To Start A Synthesis Essay About A Historical Figure

Now choosing a relevant historical figure to write about in your synthesis essay is important. The actual character becomes a substitute for the topic. As you know in writing an essay you are encouraged to select a topic you like or know about or would like to know about. When you are enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the topic it's easier for you to write well. In this case you have to choose not an essay topic as such but rather a character who will be the main part of your synthesis essay. Look for a historical character who is someone you admire, know about already or would like to know about.

But then we come to the synthesis essay itself

You are going to develop an argument based on the main point or thesis statement of your essay. As it's about a historical character, you will be making some sort of statement about the importance or the legacy or the impact this particular person had. In a synthesis essay you need to gather a series of points to substantiate your argument. But what makes it different is that each of these points is in some way related to one or more of the other points. That's the key. And when you can pull it off it becomes such a strong piece of writing. So what are some tips to make a cracking start?

  • the choice of historical character

  • using an anecdote or quotation from the character

  • make a controversial statement

  • have a crystal-clear thesis statement

  • think of an interesting headline

You'll make an excellent start to your synthesis essay if you choose a historical character who is ripe for the picking. Try not to choose somebody who is so well known your teacher will have read an essay on this person many times before.

Using a quotation from your historical character or an interesting story about him or her is a great way to make a good start. Likewise you could begin with a controversial statement which is linked to your chosen character.

Your thesis statement or main point of your essay needs to be explained in very simple language. We know who your historical character is but what is your unusual angle on writing about him or her?

Try and create a headline or topic for your essay which is eye-catching and interesting. It may be the last thing you do when you've finished writing your essay.

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